Author: SLSKC

Matt’s Podcast- From Every Side of the Table

I’m really excited to share that we’ve recently started recording episodes for our upcoming podcast From Every Side of the Table. Look for more information coming soon, but here’s a bit about the podcast.

From Every Side of the Table explores various perspectives from every side of the table in the world of neurodiversity. You’ll hear perspectives from educators, parents, therapists, grandparents, siblings, and individuals themselves who come from neuro-diverse backgrounds. The aim is to provide a bit of insight into the worlds of those with whom we gather around the table. Whether it be to break bread, participate in therapy, have a drink, or write a good ‘ole fashioned IEP, we’ve all sat at the table with people who come from varied personal and professional backgrounds. While we plan to have fun along the way, we’ll also give our listeners some food for thought by hearing from people who have sat in each of the different seats around the table. We hope that our listeners will be able use these insights to reflect on their own experiences and how those experiences have shaped their perspectives on neurodiversity.

The host of From Every Side of the Table is Dr. Matt Braun. Matt has a PhD in Therapeutic Sciences and owns a private practice in Kansas City that provides speech and occupational therapy services to children and families affected by autism and other developmental disabilities. Matt has worked in a variety of settings including the public schools, a children’s hospital, academia, and private practice. Matt is also one of the co-creators (along with his colleague, Dr. Keenan Stump) of An Evening with the ‘Rents, a fundraiser that puts individuals or parents of children with autism on stage to tell about their raw life experiences in stand-up comedy fashion.  Additionally, Matt is the father of three children. His youngest, Luke, is 10 years old and was born with Craniosynostosis and as a result has needs in the areas of executive functioning, auditory processing, speech and language development, and learning. Being a parent of a child with unique needs like Luke, and having worked in the variety of settings he has worked, he, himself has sat in chairs on every side of the table. Matt looks forward to sharing his and his guests’ stories in this exciting new podcast.

Look for the first episodes of From Every Side of the Table to come out in early 2021.

Understanding the Family Perspective

Taking a strengths based approach requires us (providers) to meet children and families where they are and build from there. But to meet families where they are, we must have some understanding of the individual’s and family’s perspectives. One thing we have found helpful in understanding the perspectives of those we serve is reading the stories of individuals and families affected by autism and other conditions. This topic has recently exploded in the popular press literature and while there are a number of great reads out there, we thought we’d share some of our favorites- particularly the ones that have shaped our therapy model and most influenced our philosophy for serving families. We’re also working a more comprehensive list of our favorites. Happy Reading!!!

Life Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes, and Autism by Ron Suskind

The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to Be a Better Husband by David Finch

Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Barry Prizant

Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism by Roy Richard Grinker

Getting a Life with Asperger’s: Lessons Learned on the Bumpy Road to Adulthood by Jesse A. Saperstein

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